SCOIL DEAN CUSSEN Primary School Ballycampion Bruff Co. Limerick TEL: (061) 382568
BRUFF HEALTH CENTRE At the Health Centre you can apply for services, meet the Public Health Nurse, see a Community Welfare Officer and find information about...
BRUFF COMMUNITY PRE SCHOOL LTD. Monday to Friday Please Contact : Mary Dennehy (Manager/Tutor) 086 1056864 Anne Walsh (Chairperson) 087 6536265 Band Room, Bruff, Co....
THE OLD BANK Bed and Breakfast The Old Bank is a Four Star B&B providing the quality and comfort found in any Four star Guest house or Hotel, but with...
THE OLD BAKEHOUSE THE OLD BAKEHOUSE Restaurant open Tuesday to Sunday for lunch and evening dinner. Breakfast served 9am to 11.30 Tuesdays to Saturday. ...